
PhoneEditText makes it easy for you to handle country codes in Phone number fields of your android application. PhoneEditText identifies your country and sets its respective dial code automatically.

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How to use?


Add JitPack to your Project level build.gradle file

		allprojects {
			repositories {
				maven { url '' }

Add the Phone Edit Text Dependency to App level build.gradel file

	dependencies {
				implementation ''
				implementation 'com.github.amannirala13:PhoneEditText-Android:1.1.1'


Add the dependency to App level build.gradel file

implementation ''
implementation 'com.asdev.PhoneEditText-Android:PhoneEditText-Android:1.1.1'

Using in XML layout



Get Dial code

import com.asdev.phoneedittext.PhoneEditText;
PhoneEditText myPhoneEditText = findViewById(
String code = myPhoneEditText.getDIAL_CODE();
/* return type of getDIAL_CODE() is String*/



Contributors ✨

All Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Aman Nirala

💻 🎨 📖 🤔

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


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