Contributor's Guidelines:

Follow the guidelines strictly to get you article approved.
To start contributing fork and clone the repository using following command:

$ git clone[your_user_name]/Quantum-Algorithms.git

Once cloned, you can add your articles by following the guildlines provided below and send the pull requests to the main repository.
Quantum computing is a field of active research and is governed by the weird world of quantum physics, which is not an easy thing to understand and anyone can easily build the wrong intuition about the topics. So, the article you contribute needs to be precise and straight to the point with a friendly literature. The correctness of the facts is the priority and presentation is the deciding factor of your article to be approved.
It is recommended, however, not mandatory to cite the sources of your information in any format. The format of citation should be the same throughout the article. This will help the reviewer, and the readers get resources that can support the facts in your article.
Create a new directory with the title of the article in the root directory and put all the files and directories related to your article in the same folder. Any changes made in any other pre-existing folders/files should have a detailed explanation about the changes in the PR message or else, the PR will be rejected.
Your article should be a styled HTML file and none other. If your article has code snippets, it recommended to use a jupyter-notebook and export it into an HTML file. If you have a script file then, you need to write proper documentation as an HTML file with all the theories and explanations included. If you have a markdown file, you need to convert to HTML and include all the files in the article folder.
All the equations and operators in your article should be properly formatted using tools like LaTex, MathJax, etc. or else use images.
You can include personal donation links, but only in your articles. The donation message and links should be added at the very end of the article. You can also include your social media handles at the end of the article.
If you are ready with all the points mentioned above, create a file called data.txt in the article folder. Provide the following information in the text file as follows:

TITLE:~ [Title of your Article]
BRIEF:~ [A single line brief introduction about your article. Everything in a single line, don't press enter to format.]
LINK:~ [Relative address of the article's html file from the root directory. Eg. ./Quantum Entanglement/quantum_entanglement.html]
NAME:~ [Your given Full Name]
GITHUB:~ [Link of your github profile]
If you have doubts, please look at the data.txt file of other published articles. This file is very important for the automated indexing of your article on the website.
When you send the PR, make sure the PR comment mentions the name of your article and all the changes you are making in detail. Make sure to check if you are accidentally changing files from different folders as it might get your PR disposed. If you did some changes in other folders deliberately to fix some problems, then the comment must mention them all in detail.
This website is maintained by amannirala13 and Platinocc
Copyright © 2020 Aman Nirala